Health Articles

Post Covid Natural DETOX

U-Fn is a pure natural food product from a highly concentrated extract of Laminaria japonica, a sea vegetable known as kombu in Japanese cuisine. This potent extract, dried and encapsulated in the USA, has proven to be one of the most powerful cancer-killers in the natural arsenal.U-Fn contains U-Fucoidan, a polysaccharide found in kombu that has been found to cause cancer cells to self-destruct. 

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Cleansing Detox, Health and Wellness, Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee Cleansing Detox, Health and Wellness, Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee

Fighting Virus with Lomatia

During the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918, the effectiveness of Lomatium dissectum came to the attention of the American white man when it was observed that Native Americans in the Southwest were recovering rapidly from the virus that was killing others. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr., noted biochemist and son of Ernest Krebs, MD, said, "This is to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man."

He found that the Indians were peeling the dissectum root, drawing and boiling it, and skimming off the oil. Using about a pound of the herb, the Indians were getting well within a week's time. This herb, commonly known as wild parsley, was also used as a food and medicine by the American Indians of the Northwest.

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About U-Fn™ (U-Fucoidan)

U-Fn is a pure natural food product from a highly concentrated extract of Laminaria japonica, a sea vegetable known as kombu in Japanese cuisine.   This potent extract, dried and encapsulated in the USA, has proven to be one of the most powerful cancer-killers in the natural arsenal.U-Fn contains U-Fucoidan, a polysaccharide found in kombu that has been found to cause cancer cells to self-destruct. 

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