Blog Entries

Second Thoughts about the Shot

Maybe you caught the virus and overcame it, maybe you just want to keep your family and friends safe. We have been offered and even forced to take the experimental vaccines to accomplish this protection. Like yourself we want to protect ourselves and our family and patients with long lasting health and vitality . We have some experiences and training to offer people ways to achieve this protection.

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Detox & Cleansing, Healthy, Cancer, Cardiovascular Dr. Thomas Lee Detox & Cleansing, Healthy, Cancer, Cardiovascular Dr. Thomas Lee

EDTA: common prevention uses and DYI disease treatment

This article brings us more recent scientific understanding of how useful EDTA is in modern health care and medical industries. The emphasis here is on wound management and breaking biofilms. Few among the public know how many health challenges we face involving healthy or toxic biofilms, what they are and what they require as treatment.

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Simple Ways to Support the People of Texas

As you know, Texas has been hit by horrible winter storms that both froze and shut down much of their state’s power supply, leaving millions without power, food, fuels and shelter. Some for only a week, may for much longer….Many of you are asking, “How can I help?” The large corporations are getting back up, but we hear many lower income families are still in trouble. Here are our ideas, but do your own research as well and find ways YOU can help. Contact these organizations directly to see what they are most in need of now. There are many ways we can support and contribute to the people in Texas right now. These are cool ideas from, TheSlacktivists on Instagram.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Introducing Cerule CYACTIV Joint

Cyactiv® Joint is uniquely formulated to nourish and support cartilage, joints and muscles, as well as connective tissue, and each ingredient is clinically tested. The formula contains compounds that modulate inflammatory enzymes and powerful antioxidant phenolic compounds that reduce muscle fatigue and damage.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Introducing Cerule CYACTIV

Cyactiv® is a proprietary phycocyanin extract from Spirulina. Phycocyanin is the blue pigment found in blue-green algae and is a potent active compound proven to help balance and calm systemic inflammation. Balancing whole-body inflammation, Cyactiv® assists the homing of stem cells to affected tissues.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Introducing Cerule StemEnhance Ultra

StemEnhance® Ultra concentrates and combines extracts from nature's most primitive superfoods, freshwater microalgae and marine macroalgae, providing the body with the ultimate in stem cell support. The blending of StemEnhance with Fucoidan offers a unique synergy that is further enhanced by Mesenkine™.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Introducing Cerule Plasma Flo

PlasmaFlo® is a proprietary blend of proteolytic & fibrinolytic enzymes, concentrated plant extracts, and potent antioxidants. Formulated to support the integrity of capillaries and improve the flowing properties of blood, PlasmaFlo® delivers vital nutrients, oxygen and stem cells throughout the body for optimum health.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Natural Medicine's Progression

Let’s call the puck your personal ideal state of wellness and potential for health and happiness in this stage of your life. By skating to where it will be, I don’t mean you need better skates or sticks, or that you should become a psychic or improve that aspect of awareness. Just that we use our tools and brains to understand where that puck is coming from and heading for. In Hockey, the puck has to get into your net goal, and be kept out of your opponent’s. Here, I’ll just go into the aim for your Goal. The Opponent’s are over represented everywhere online today.

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Detox & Cleansing, Cardiovascular, Healthy Dr. Thomas Lee Detox & Cleansing, Cardiovascular, Healthy Dr. Thomas Lee

Not a Vaccine, but Injection Fraud

This is a definitive article on the world wide assault on civil liberty and economic survival , the so-called, ‘Pandemic’. Catherine Austin Fitts is a premier financial analyst and a former government official who became a whistle-blower against governmental fraud. Her analysis on this operation is more insightful than many political and media commentators.

Ms. Fitts presents the priorities and intentions of those who have literally designed this worldwide financial crisis. Her activities now involve the Solari Report and presenting some of the best commentators on these global financial events. Go to her website and decide if you want to back the best horse in this race away from extinction.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Telemedicine. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

To be fair, technology saves lives every day in emergency medicine and advanced states of disease and injury.  Any physician appreciates the benefits that modern technology can bring to these patient care situations.  And the caring professionals and first responders in these situations impress me with their spirits and commitments to helping others.  I’m glad they have the excellent tools they do. The lives they save might be my own.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Maryland Licenses Naturopath Drs

Annapolis, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley today signed a bill to enable naturopathic doctors in Maryland to become licensed to practice naturopathic medicine. Maryland becomes the 18th state to license naturopathic doctors. Passage of the law reflects the public’s growing confidence in naturopathic medicine as an effective form of medicine.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Preventing Common Colds

Having a happy holiday season is getting tricky in this increasingly stressed and toxic world. But a bright side is if you sell drug store medicines for cold and flu. Seasonal profits make those folks a little too happy, I think. Sure, if you or your family have symptoms, let’s get some relief. The only thing better than a good natural remedy is not even needing it. This article will share some ideas that might help. Drugs and doctors can be lifesavers if available, but natural medicine can help you not need them as much or as often.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Telemedicine's Present & Future

To be fair, technology saves lives every day in emergency medicine and advanced states of disease and injury.  Any physician appreciates the benefits that modern technology can bring to these patient care situations.  And the caring professionals and first responders in these situations impress me with their spirits and commitments to helping others.  I’m glad they have the excellent tools they do. The lives they save might be my own.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Four Antibiotics You'll Need

Never expect a doctor to phone-in a prescription for an antibiotic without seeing you first. Why? To ensure your illness is in fact a bacterial infection, as viruses do not respond to antibiotics. For example Influenza is a virus infection – this is why your doctor will never prescribe you antibiotics for this. Knowing the difference between a viral and bacterial illness may save you time and money. Here are four tips to help you determine when an illness could be viral or bacterial. Take this advice only when you can’t see a doctor (when SHTF)

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Tumeric, Spice Up Your life

Many of us have heard of and used Turmeric for many years now. Ms. Monteiro’s article is very clear and spot on accurate.  From here we see more people are learning of it and using it which helps us all.  So the quality and concentration of these extracts is just getting better and more affordable from the attention.  That is true also for Curcumin being used in sports injury as an anti-inflammatory. 

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Bringing in the New Year

2019 brought more change to the world. But in retrospect, the outer worlds of professions, politics, and businesses last year now seem almost stable and boring. This post is to wish you a great New Year and say goodbye to the 2019 year fading in the review mirror.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Falling Asleep in Two Minutes

An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia1 — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night. If you’re in this category, despair not, because the list of strategies to improve your sleep is long. While most sleep problems are tied to lifestyle choices such as spending too much time indoors during daylight hours, and/or excessive use of technology and chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which will require you to make (perhaps significant) changes to your lifestyle, a number of tips and tricks can be useful in the short term.

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