Blog Entries

Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Chelation for High Blood Pressure

People with greatly elevated blood pressure commonly have symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, and blurred vision.  In mild to moderate blood pressure elevation, there may be no symptoms.  The diastolic or resting heart pressure is the second number of the blood pressure reading.  In younger patients with diastolic pressures of 110 millimeters of mercury or higher, headaches in the morning are common.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Breast Cancer Treatment

Learn about a safe and natural “Herbal Chemo”. It helps to kill only cancer and fermentive cells. It has proven a success rate over 80% in Stage 4 Cancers.  Orasal liquid contains the Salicinium molecule. t is recommended for use against any disorder, involving fermenting or anaerobic cells.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Benefits of Modifilan

Responding to the Soviet tragedy at Chernobyl, scientists found a remarkable plant medicine from brown seaweed that would grab onto heavy metals and radioactive minerals while protecting the thyroid metabolism and the GI track. This will be a major source of assistance to those facing health challenges from the Fukushima disaster currently taking place in Japan. This page contains several different articles about the effectiveness of this extract from Kombu seaweed that is known as Modifilan. This material is also available in bulk powder form as the product SuperKombu™.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Benefits of EDTA Chelation

EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid) is a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. EDTA was developed by the Germans in 1931 to reverse heavy-metal poisoning from the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and more. This page contains several different articles about the effectiveness of EDTA Chelation Therapy for cardiovascular disease.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Curcumin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Researchers from India have found that curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, is a safe and effective natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. In their study, which was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, they found that curcumin acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for managing rheumatoid arthritis without causing any side effect.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee


Immunization is a subject that evokes very strong opinions and usually stirs up heated debate as to their efficacy, safety, and reliability. The main questions parents have to answer are whether to immunize or not, and if so, when and with which ones. It is vital that doctors educate their patients as to the pros and cons, indications and contraindications, and risks and benefits of vaccinations in order that the parents can then make an informed choice for their children. By providing a balanced view of the evidence on immunization, naturopathic physicians and other health care providers can help people make intelligent decisions regarding their health care, and the health care of their dependents.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Thoughts on Sublingual EDTA

A great detoxifier of the cardiovascular system is sublingual EDTA Chelation therapy is well-respected, but the news here is that by taking EDTA under the tongue and holding it there for a few minutes, more of it gets absorbed into the blood than if it is taken as an oral pill. Sublingual absorption of EDTA is not as effective as an intravenous (IV) drip, but approximately 40-45 percent of this EDTA gets into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth. Suppositories are shown to be somewhat more effective than sublingual, but compliance is far less likely except for briefly.

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Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee

The Best Hormone Test: DUTCH

This home hormone test is more convenient and accurate than others we are familiar with. Please consider the DUTCH Test if you are needing an accurate monitoring of your hormone levels. Since The Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) was created and launched by Precision Analytical four years ago, we’ve heard from so many, “DUTCH makes so much sense. Everybody should be doing this!”  Here is a list of things believed to be unique to the original DUTCH.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Sulfur for Cellular Regeneration

The Cellular Matrix Study (referred to here as “The Sulfur Study”) was organized in 1999.  This study was inspired by a fatal type of breast cancer, a type of germ cell reproductive cancer that had been reported to respond to organic sulfur. While researching this cancer, it became obvious that the sulfur cycle plays an important role in the regeneration of our cells. The Study also found that the use of chemical fertilizers had effectively broken the sulfur cycle in countries that use these fertilizers.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Pfizer VP Blows the Whistle

Former vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Peter Rost, has blown the whistle on the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine –  and claims that Big Pharma aims to keep people unhealthy. Below is a clip taken from the “One More Girl” documentary – a film featuring Dr. Rost in which he reveals how vaccines and Big Pharma drugs are designed to keep people in a state of dis-ease.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Royal Rife: The Cure for Cancer

Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research – that you have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to curing literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses and bacteria. Indeed, it is a discovery that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn’t you?

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Boluoke for Good Circulation

Boluoke is an enzyme from earthworms. Most of us won’t take a handful of those guys, dried or even fresh in our food. No matter how good the cooks are we ask to do it. I wouldn’t if I had any choice in the matter.  Would you? In ancient China, doctors found that for their tough heart disease patients, they became less squeamish when they experienced relief by taking earthworms as they were ordered to by their physicians.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

SuperSulfur & Balanced Hormones

The effect of Sulfur depends on what organs and tissues need an upgrade into better oxygen functions.  Also, what are the toxins that need to be removed from your body? Many toxic chemicals and poorly eliminated drugs have partial hormone effects, or they may simply block your healthy hormones from being produced. Or cause hormones that you don’t want to have produced to show up like unwanted guests at your party.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Be Smart, Have a Heart

At NaturoDoc we have seen many terrible cardiac conditions safely and gradually reversed using natural medicines and concepts. While most cardiac drugs can be life savers in short term acute cases, they are often prescribed for very long terms being relatively un-monitored. Their effects can then become obstacles to the repair of damaged heart and arterial wall tissues. Also they can burden the organs of elimination which have already most likely contributed to a poor cardiovascular condition.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Winning the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer of every type is affecting more people at earlier ages than ever before, despite the war on cancer declared in the U.S. during President Nixon’s era. Thankfully, many people are reversing and surviving cancer, in even advanced stages, using natural materials and methods, sometimes accompanied with appropriate and carefully applied conventional therapies.

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Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee Cancer Dr. Thomas Lee

Provisioning Your Cancer Campaign

Cancer is a complex and difficult condition to heal and recover from, let alone survive.  It is as unique as each of the affected body tissues and the person who faces it.  The NaturoDoc mission is to help provision your campaign against cancer.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Molecular Hydrogen, A Miracle

In terms of medicine small is good, as Nano science has tended to show. In the case of hydrogen, we are talking about the ultimate in smallness proving to be the biggest medical breakthrough of the 21st century. Hydrogen appears in the top left corner of the periodic table, and is denoted as number one. Hydrogen is the smallest, simplest, and most fundamental element with molecular hydrogen (H2) the smallest molecule.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Don't Take the Flu Shot

We’re now experiencing another media campaign to sell flu shots. We hear that a lot of people are getting the flu and it’s a harsher strain than before, but do yourself and your family a favor and don’t succumb to the hype. The flu is less dangerous than what’s in the vaccine! Injecting the flu vaccine doesn’t save you from what’s in it, and your chances of contracting it from the vaccine are between 20 to 30 percent.  You can and should recover from a case of the flu, even if you get it from the shot, but these ingredients are usually additive and are hard to remove from your body.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Natural Pain Management

Pharmaceutical pain medications work very well for severe pain–for awhile, anyway.  But before you become dependent or get a full-blown addiction to those pain pills, be aware that there are other options. If you are just starting to use a prescription opiate for pain, consider using some “tough love” along with it to avoid dependence or addiction.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Lugol’s Iodine: Radioactive Safety

Today, the 13th of March, 2011, we are hearing that nuclear debris is being pushed into the atmosphere from reactor explosions in Japan.  Our thoughts and prayers fly to the suffering and kind people of Japan.  Japan seems far away for most Americans, but we share the same atmosphere and effects of whatever is in it.

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