Blog Entries

Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Iodine: Radioactive Protection

As we know, radioactive isotopes have been emitted from the three Fukushima reactor meltdowns occurring in Japan.  These have frightened everyone paying attention for several weeks.  But now the public attention span has moved away from this issue and on to other pressing concerns. It is a worsening biological disaster that will continue for months or years. Radioactive exposure will not become safer by not being paid attention to.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Lugol’s vs Nascent Iodine

I have a question: Lugol’s iodine is recommended as part of a protocol for “Traveling in Japan,” and to be honest, we have some at home that is 7% rather than 5%, but I felt it would be easier to take the recommended dose if I got your iodine. I have read up on iodine online but found the differing opinions confusing. Plus, I became worried about taking too much, although people like Mark Sircus (whose magnesium book we have) seem to think it’s okay to take a lot.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

The Forgotten Vitamin, K12

Is 2013 the year for Vitamin K2 in the U.S.?  A breakthrough study and growing awareness over deficiency point to progress, but consumer awareness is still growing in baby steps for “the most fascinating of all vitamins,” says a leading supplier.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Martial Arts Trauma Care

Accidents can and do happen as you train longer and harder or teach others the martial arts you love.  We all have complex lives, and sometimes an outside worry or hoped-for outcome can pull away one’s focus during a workout.  Injuries can result from that loss of focus, and you need to know how to deal with these quickly and safely.  Prompt and proper first aid can lessen the severity of an injury, and that in turn will shorten the recovery time and help retain students.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Fear Not, Get to Work

We have been here before many times. At least, many readers of this blog have. Swine Flu is today’s threat du jour for the global industry of disease management. Ingrid Naiman has articulated this very well in her articles re-posted here. Our experience has proven that there are a many great ways to build or break down the amazing human immune system.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Surviving Hurricane Sandy's Punch

Hurricane Sandy’s winds and water have done their damage, and our hearts go out to friends and neighbors on the East Coast who lost so much. But there’s a sequel coming their way that might be called “Sandy’s suckerpunch.” It’s not as dramatic as the original hurricane maybe, but it’s possibly just as lethal to those who are the most vulnerable and unprepared.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Lake Tahoe's Rim Trail 1 (OMG)

Birthdays can be time to reflect and review on an accelerating turbulent life. The best places to reflect from tend to support inward silence and peace.  Starry nights and daytime moments in high mountain forests and meadows always work for me.  My gifted Viking/ Saxon genetics have helped with that. The Tahoe Rim Trail puts this inward silence together better than most other accessible places in the world I have traveled.  Strangely, this seems to be a best-kept secret from other stressed out friends I know.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Fukushima Reactor Fallout Deaths

WASHINGTON, D.C. – December 19, 2011 — An estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, according to a major new article in the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services. This is the first peer-reviewed study published in a medical journal documenting the health hazards of Fukushima.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Radiation Dangers Misinformation

We agree, and it should be noticed that even well-done reporting on the iodine protection issue doesn’t go far enough to report on more deadly isotopes of uranium, cesium, and plutonium that are making their way into the Pacific Ocean biosphere.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Thermal Imaging in Diagnostics

Thermal imaging has become the first choice today for diagnostic imaging in general practice among many physicians This technology is changing the practice of medicine and how patients experience their medical care. Physicians and medical professionals have witnessed a technological and informational explosion in recent years. They are not alone, as the whole world has been transformed by the revolutions in information and communication technology. Intra-professional collaboration was a concept in science fiction in the recent past, but now it’s the wave of the present.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Radioactivity Protection

Here are some creative strategies for protecting our animals and ourselves from damaging radiation in the environment, from organic dairy farmers in Hawaii. The nuclear physics logic is simplified in order to help regular people understand why and how to use these things. We carry some of these materials in the NaturoDoc Store, where specific write-ups permit a bit more detailed information, along with an online shopping cart for your convenience.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Fukushima Radiation Exposure

While Americans are busy focusing on the most ridiculous forms of entertainment such as Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, and whatever mindless reality show currently keeps them glued to their couches, the entire country is in the process of being covered with a cloud of toxic radiation seeping into their food, water, skin, and lungs. Sadly, even if one were to turn the channel in an effort to keep up with the latest in current affairs, there is virtually no chance of one being made aware of the level of contamination the country now faces.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Fukushima VIdeo Update

The following YouTube video from a Russian news source about the seriousness of the Fukushima nuclear reactor situation was produced on April 4, 2011.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Japan Travel Recommendations

The past several months have been difficult for much of the world. With weather, health, and economic challenges, it has been a tough winter. As difficult as we might have had it, the disaster in Japan has shocked the world with the intensity of suffering and number of lives lost among those kind and elegant people. And beyond that, the biological disaster will affect our planet for years to come.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Radioactive Exposure Risks

Let’s take it easy here.  Okay, the decline and fall of Western civilization, the approaching extinction of so many beautiful species (and the not-always-beautiful ones like humans) are easy subjects to be frightened by.  But fear itself is an expensive commodity. Like energy, we can do more with less of it if we use our brains. Concern, caution, and vigilance can move us to sensible action and beyond the powerless corners that panic tends to throw us into.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Lugol’s Iodine for Radiation

Radiation from a nuclear meltdown is coming our way via the jet stream from Japan. You can prepare yourself and your loved ones by taking 10 drops of Lugol’s Iodine daily. Nascent Iodine or Iodoral tablets work well too;  just start getting potassium iodide and iodine into your body as soon as possible.  aking around 50 mg per day (10 drops) of the Lugol’s Iodine for a few weeks will be protective.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Schooling on Forskolin

Forskolin as an extract or herbal concentrate is a strong natural medicine. As such, it can be misused and hurtful.  Please work with a physician or provider who understands and has experience using herbal medicines. If you are an investigator or an experimental type of person, start with very small amounts and increase its use until you notice an effect. The body appreciates slow and gradual changes in its metabolism, and a sudden change can be traumatic. Your body will communicate to you what it feels about any trauma you inflict on it.

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

The Memory of Water

Good clean water is a basic need for health and life itself, and scientists have validated ancient teachings about other legendary attributes of water. All major religions maintain that water is sacred, and they use it to confer blessings and health to their communities. The healers in these traditions use water and the energies it contains to treat ailments of the body and spirit. How is it that water is able to function for so many cultures as a sacred healing force?

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Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. Thomas Lee

Mixing & Matching, Ingrid Naiman

Some of you questioned a few statements I made in my email about the swine flu. Years ago, I stumbled on an article, I believe in the East-West Journal, that referenced the work of Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I was shocked, horrified, and enraged, but I did not dismiss everything simply because what he stated was traumatizing to my psyche. I continued to read and eventually took a seminar with Dr. Horowitz. I would describe his approach as thorough, methodical, and irrefutable, at least when it comes to who does what and how they profit by what they do.

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