Laboring to repair and maintain our health
This is an increasingly unhealthy world. We don’t need to itemize or explain this to each other today. Corporate media is publishing and promoting environmental toxins within food, air and water, often as exciting discoveries. Very entertainingly I notice. What I will describe and present here are some of the best products we have found to help restore and maintain good health. The message and our mission is that better things can happen and choices made, even in a polluted and damaged environment.
Some conditions that destroy health and cause degenerative diseases, will hurt different people in similar ways. What may cause one person’s heart disease, another’s cancer, or someone else’s chronic mold disease, may be the same factor. What are some big ones? Lowered oxygen levels in the blood or a specific organ tissue. Most cancers and infections are very touchy with oxygen. Our bodies need it in proper amounts and times. The pathogens and infections really don’t like it. Also, lowering the metabolic activity and temperature. For whatever reasons, like injury, malnutrition or inactivity. Metabolism includes the immune system, obviously.
Another common wrecker ball is hormone imbalance. Many drugs and chemicals have ways to imitate or block hormones. The most profitable medicines and addictions can seriously hijack a healthy hormone system. And getting back to health can be very tough for many people. Lot’s trickier than getting unhealthy in the first place.
So…bad things and rough times are affecting many people, and maybe they have been for a long time. More people and more world media so we hear about it, but damaging human health for profit is a really old game.
And now we have found, or re-discovered, some natural medicines and foods to help us heal and protect ourselves. Recently, after world wide public health scares, more wise teachers and researchers have been coming up with some answers for many ailments. Let’s learn to ask better questions.
This article is about some affordable and effective ways to heal and protect from illness and disease. There are other challenges we face in this complex world, of course. I appreciate the many good works my readers do to help us get a better future happening.
These products are featured here to help turn down a lot of unnecessary suffering going on in our daily lives. Our futures will need more than some great health products, of course. But maybe these ideas will help trigger better questions. about even bigger issues.
Product costs and shipping changes are the rule now. But with volume discounts and learning the best uses of these medicines, I know they will save you time, physical strength, and money. Please be safe and have a great Holiday
Dr. Thomas Lee
“These products have proven to be effective tools for difficult health issues. They help eliminate bodily waste, strengthen immune defenses and increase energy. And all this very comfortably, if used as directed.”
1. EDTA:
This biochemical has been found to chelate, or bind to heavy metals in toxic molecules and substances. Chelation with EDTA permits the breaking of biofilms and organically bound toxins in the body such as plaque. Chelation therapy, used as an intravenous infusion, including EDTA has been used for decades by physicians for thousands of circulation and biofilm problems.
2. SuperSulfur:
This crystalline Bioavailable form of Sulfur is an amazing balancing nutrient mineral. It facilitates the transport of oxygen in and out of all of one’s cells. It also binds to many toxic chemicals, helping the liver complete phase two natural detoxification. So, Sulfur helps remove obstacles to good blood oxygen like toxics and actually helps the red cell take in more oxygenand eliminate more CO2.
3. U-Fn:
U-fn is a cleansing superfood based on Laminaria Japonica solid extracts with a five fold increase of the active ingredient, Fucoidan. It is found also in other sea plants but less concentrated than Laminaria. Fucoidan has been proven to help eliminate anaerobic cells as found in fungal and cancer cells by stimulating apoptosis. That is, hastening their early demise, by natural cleansing functions.
4. Modifilan:
Like U-Fn, Modifilan is an Herbal concentrate of Laminaria Japonica. This ancient seaweed cleanser clears the gastrointestinal (GI) track of toxic chemicals and heavy metal waste. Modifilan is the whole plant in a 40:1 herbal concentrate of the cell ingredients. This capsule does not harm digestion or thyroid functions.
5. pHenomenal:
This alkaline water concentrate is dehydrogenated, balancing the body’s acidity, e.g., when Phenomenal concentrate is added to drinking water the liquid becomes more alkaline.
6. OraSal:
This revolutionary liquid contains the Salicinium molecule, which interrupts fermentation processes, enabling one’s immune system to destroy diseased cells. It accesses the fermented anaerobic cells like a “Trojan Horse Sugar”. Thereby removing their source of energy. To order this product, click here: OraSal, Single Bottle
7. Alk Align:
These mineral carbonates are micro-encapsulated to alkalize the blood more effectively, protecting against cancer and fungal supportive conditions to support the immune system in its recovery from disease.